Interface BuildTask

All Known Implementing Classes:
AssetsCopierTask, EnvVariablesLoader, FileDumperTask, HandlebarsTemplateCompilerTask, ImageCompressorTask, MarkdownCompilerTask, MarkdownFrontMatterLoaderTask, OpenApiProcessor, SassCompilerTask, StoryblokLoaderTask, YamlLoaderTask

public interface BuildTask
All build phase plugins shall implement this interface.

Each plugin might have either a no-args constructor or one with a single argument of type Config. If both, the one with configuration is preferred.

If a plugin depends on configuration, it should received Config as constructor argument and use it for configuration during the construction process before any other method is called from outside.

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    run(BuildContext buildContext)
    If a plugin depends on config files in addition to the general config file of the application, like functionality extensions stored in files, it shall return these paths here.
    If a plugin depends on file input, it shall return list of its input paths to be watched for changes.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • run Link icon

      void run(BuildContext buildContext)
    • underWatchInputPaths Link icon

      List<Path> underWatchInputPaths()
      If a plugin depends on file input, it shall return list of its input paths to be watched for changes. Paths can be either files or directories. In case of directories, only root path are necessary to be listed and if input path has subdirectories, they will be automatically watched.
    • underWatchConfigPaths Link icon

      List<Path> underWatchConfigPaths()
      If a plugin depends on config files in addition to the general config file of the application, like functionality extensions stored in files, it shall return these paths here. A change detected in these paths will result in recreation of the plugin.