All Classes and Interfaces

This is the entry point to the application.
Manages copy operations.
All build phase plugins shall implement this interface.
Currently not supported types: - callbacks - examples - headers - links
All possible component types and their related names as expected in OpenAPI spec.
Accepts an argument starting with "--config" followed by the path to the config file like following: "--config"=path/to/config.yaml
This represents a node in DataTree.
This represents a page in DataTree.
Loads data from environment variables into DataTree's root
invalid reference
For each page, dumps what is found under the FileDumperConfig.getDataField() into file and directory structures following the DataTree of BuildContext.
Configuration is read from root key "front-matter-loader".
Loads the configuration from "handlebars-template-compiler" key and expects following sub-keys: "base-dir" pointing to templates' base, this path will be prepended to all other paths and every look up is restricted to be inside this path "template-data-field" defines the name of the field under which each node of data tree can specify its own template to be used for template lookup "default-template" defines the default template that will be used if a node does not specify its own "target-data-field" the field's name under which the compilation result for each node of data tree will be stored "helpers" list of helpers that should be registered.
Compiles each page's data using defined template and puts the result under HandlebarsTemplateCompilerConfig.getTargetDataField() data field.
Starts a local server that does two things: serves contents of a requested directory over requested port listens to any request with PUT method (no matter which path) and triggers a rebuild The server can be optionally started with SSL using a self-signed certificate.
This plugin compiles markdown on configured source fields of all pages down into HTML and puts it back in the configured target field.
Loads each markdown data file and its front matter from configured path and adds it to the DataTree as a DataPage.
Expands any page found with OpenAPI raw spec in its data, into pages under sub-nodes generated out of spec's components tag (i.e.
Will parse config with root key "open-api-processor".
Compiles all files with extension ".scss" that does not start with "_" from configured source directory into configured output directory.
Accepts an argument starting with "--serve" followed by the path of directory that should be served and optionally the port to serve content over.
Loads Storyblok Plugin's config from key "storyblok-loader".
This loads the list of stories from Storyblok API, puts full data under the key "storyblok" in root node.
Loads data from YAML files into DataTree.